The 168th Bridge of Allan Highland Games had a very special Chieftain – Sir William Wallace himself!
Well, nearly – being around 700 years too late to book the man himself, the honour was held by Ian Watt, who played the character of William Wallace at the National Wallace Monument’s 150th anniversary celebrations this year. The celebrations included Wallace Wha Hay, a festival to pay homage to Scotland’s national hero. The festival, two weeks after the Highland Games, was held at Wallace High School, neighbour to Strathallan Games Park. As Chieftain to the Highland Games, ‘William Wallace’ acted as a figurehead for the event, presenting prizes and receiving the salute of the pipe bands at the end of the day which for many is the climax of the Highland Games.
We were delighted to host Sir William Wallace (/Ian!) as Chieftain, and are grateful to him for leading the 168th Bridge of Allan Highland Games – another successful year for one of Scotland’s premier Highland Games.